THERE has been a tolerably active demand for money during the week, but with little fluctuation in rates. Money continues to be sent out to America. although not to any extent like the last two or three weeks. The Stock Markets have been exceedingly heavy, and quota- tions are all depressed. Consols were 91i to 911 for Money, and 921 to 921 for Account, on Monday; a decline then occurred to 92, sellers, then a recovery yesterday to 921 to 921 and afterwards a sudden fall to 91i to 92. The flatness of yesterday was mainly owing to lower prices from the Paris Bourse, where a rumour prevailed of a collision between the Austrian and Piedmontese armies on the Austrian frontiers. This, however, has yet to be confirmed. Rentes fell 25 centimes, or 1 per cent. Consols opened heavily this morning, 911 to 92, and were soon pressed by large sales to 911 to 911 There is a very general feeling of political distrust, and so long as that exists Stocks are not likely to improve. A rise in the Corn Market also aids in depressing prices. Exchequer Bills 13s. dis. Bank Stock short Consols, for money, 911 to 9111; and for 10th April, 91* to 91i, India Five per Cents, 991 to 1001, and the Scrip dull at 1001 to 1001 The tone of the market has been much heavier to-day than for some time. Foreign Securities have undergone little alteration, but upon the whole, quotations are below those of last week; the principal are as follows; Buenos Ayres, 88 to 90; Buenos Ayres, Three per Cents, 27 to 28; Venezuela, 20 to 21 ; ditto One-and-a-Half per Cents, 104 to 111; Grenada, stationary, 16 to 17; ditto, deferred, 51 to 6; Chilian Six per Cents, 101 to 103' ditto Four per Cents, 82 to 83; Spanish, 49 to 494 ; ditto deferred, 41 to 411; ditto, Certificates, 51- to 51; Turkish Old Six per Cents, 74 to 744; ditto, New, 54 to 544; Victor Emmanuel, 944 to 95f ; Sardinian, 82 to 83; Brazilian, 85 to 86; Russian Five per Cents, 101 to 103; ditto Three per Cents, 61 to 611 ; Porturiese, 46i to 47. Peruvian Stocks have been dealt in only to a very limited extent; the Four-and-a-Half per Cents, 93 to 94, the Three per Cents, 744 to 751, the Dollar Bonds, 80 to 82, and Uribarren Four-and-a-Half per Cents, 81 to 83. Mexican Bonds have occupied most attention, and after a fluctuation of about 1 per cent ,finally close 244 to 244.