have recently had some most interesting correspondence with a missionary in India in which a story is told of the influence for good of a much-used old copy of the Spectator, and the statement that if friends at home who read your paper would but send their copies when done with, they would come as a healthy mental tonic to minds jaded by work which, however splendid, is necessarily on but one line of thought. There may, I think, be hundreds of copies which in the end find their way only to the waste-paper basket, but which I hope would willingly be sent, if the pleasure were realised, to missionaries in the foreign field, where literature of that sort is seldom seen. May I respectfully make the suggestion, and add that I am sure the secretary of the Church Missionary Society' at Salisbury House, or the secretaries of other missionary societies, would willingly give a list of names and addresses 1—I am, Sir, Sac., JAMES 18 Devonshire Road, Birkenhead.