Even If The Protest Made By Trinity Graduates Bad Not
been so strong and so united, we should have felt obliged to condemn the Government's proposals on their merits. Under the existing system we have at any rate an institution......
We Are Glad To See That A Committee Is Being
formed to erect a statue to the late Lord Salisbury in the Foreign Office. For more than thirteen years be was Minister for Foreign Affairs, and during that time, as Englishmen......
The Past Week Has Been Characterised By A Great Deal
of unrest and uneasiness on the Stock Exchange, and at one time it was feared that the settlement on Wednesday might cause something in the nature of a crisis. Fortunately, how-......
Bank Rate, 5 Per Cent., Changed From 6 Per Mt.
Jan. 17th. Consols (2i) were on Thursday 85f---on Friday week 85}.......
Though We Think That Mr. Burns Has Administered The...
Act as well as it was possible to administer so unsound a piece of legislation, we are convinced that in reality no special enactment was required, and that it would have been......
At A Meeting Of The Society Of Naval Architects Held
on Friday week, Sir William White read an interesting paper on the results of the experiments made with Dr. Schlick's gyroscopic apparatus for steadying the motion of ships. The......
The House Of Commons Adjourned On Wednesday For Easter. The
last debate was raised by Mr. Keir Hardie, who declared that the Unemployed Workmen Act had not been worked with sufficient vigour. Mr. Burns in reply asserted that the Act had......
On Monday Afternoon A Meeting Of Graduates Of The University
of Dublin was held in the Middle Temple Hall. Lord Rathmore, who presided, declared that Mr. Bryce's scheme would at once inflict a grievous injury and injustice on the......