Sir: Not one of your correspondents makes direct reference to what I consider is Heath's most disgraceful act.
Not content with mismanaging the country to the tune of about £2,000 million, he costs us yet a further £2,000 million by introducing the three day week episode — quite regardless of the country's welfare and in a desire to draw a red herring across the trail to cover up his then emerging incompetence.
It is obvious that this restriction was totally unnecessary because it has only now come to light that Saudi Arabia
increased our crude oil supplies by 50 per cent during the last three months.
It is not only on the score of lack of judgement and ability, but lack of honour that Heath must go—neither the nation nor the Conservative Party can afford men of this calibre. They are too dangerous.
Tony GladuvIl
Pencarrick, Kenwyn Cross, Truro, Cornwall.