Sir: A Statutory Incomes Policy Has Been Approved By....
million Conservatives and Liberals against ll million Labour voters. Yet Mr Cosgrave suggests that Mr Heath's "espousal of a statutory policy ha s been decisively rejected by......
Press And Pnvacy
Sir: Criticism of the recent Press Council report has been directed at the findin g s. We are more concerned with the implications. It is of fundamental 'mPortance that the......
Ogdelene Colle G E, Cambrid G E.
Investment income Si r : Mr Nicholas Davenport may be a soPhisticated and experienced ec°nomist, but he should not deal in outri g h t lies. May I q uote from his 4 tkiece in......
Buchan And Yates
Sir: I read with g reat pleasure Mr Richard Usborne's preview of his forthcomin g second edition of Clubland Heroes, (March 16) and await with ea g erness its publication. I......
Wine Bluffs
Miss Vandyke Price is up in arms A g ainst a monstrous Bluff: A book on4nakin g wines at home Like some commercial stuff. What! — make a wine that really tastes Like those one......
London Schools
Sir: If your readers were to take Richard Wort's letter of March 15 seriously they would become very confused, Educational salvation in London is to be achieved by makin g the......
Disraeli And Oxford
Sir: I have j ust read with g reat interest Christine Pemberton's article on the Oxford Union in your issue of January 15. Unfortunately. however. she includes Disraeli in her......
Sir: Dr D. M. Jenkins(Letters, March 23) accuses me of bein g as hostile to Reds under beds as to the Scarlet women in them. (and not content with that, he dra g s in the red......
Red Menace
Sir: 1 quite agree with Miss Reid's letter about the Communist menace. Visitors from Russia and Poland recently were appalled at our complacemy. We are such fools we never......