The Pitt Club had their annual dinner yesterday, at Merchant
Tailors' Hall ; Lord Mahon in the chair. There was nothing remark- able in their proceedings, and nothing worth quoting in the speeches.
The annual dinner of noblemen and gentlemen educated at Eton took place at Willis's Rooms on Saturday; Viscount Canterbury in the chair. The Duke of Gordon, on behalf of the King, presented the Provost and Fellows of Eton with a model of Eton College, made of frosted silver, on the scale of an eighth of an inch to a foot, and valued at 800 guineas. Among the company, were the Duke of Rue. cicuch, the, Marquises of Chandos, Londonderry, and Downshire, Earls Howe and Denbigh. Many speeches were delivered ; but the only point worth noticing was the remark of Lord Canterbury, that the model of Eton was an "earnest that his Majesty's sentiments as regarded the Established religion of the country remained unaltered." This was curious as a non sequitur at least.
A vacancy has been created in the direction of the East India Com- pany by the retirement of Mr. Cutler Fergusson. There are two candi- dates in the field, Mr. Warden, of Bryanstone Square, and Mr. John Shepherd, of Gloucester Place.
A meeting of the City of London Reform Club was held at the George Hall, Alderrnanbury, on Thursday; Mr. John Travers in the chair. The Report of the Provisional Committee was read ; and from its statements it would seem that the City Reformers are going the right way to work, by preparing lists of registered and unregistered persons entitled to vote, and districting the City in such a way as to enable them to attend effectually to the next registration, and to can- vass in case of an election with regularity arid expedition.
There has been a very spirited contest going on during the week in Clerkenwell parish, for and against a rate for the repairs of the church. At the close of the poll on Thursday, the third day, the numbers were —for the rate, 890; against it, 1046; majority, 156. The majority of voters was 289.
A meeting of the inhabitants of Ratcliffe Highway and the vicinity was held on Thursday evening, and a society formed for the prevention of juvenile prostitution. Several very shocking statements of the in- - crease of this vice were made in the course of the evening ;but they are not fit for our columns.