Topics Of The Day.
THE CENTRAL ASSOCIATION. OUR advertising columns announce that the Reform Associatica is fully organized, and prepared for action. We recommend a perusal of the" Addreis to the......
Duel Between Sir Colquhoun Grant And Lord Seymour.
The subjoined letter and statements are published by the authority of the parties. LETTER FROM SIR C. GRANT TO LORD SEYMOUR " My I ord—Such has liven the stupor and subsequent......
The Staffordshire Election.
THE result of the contest in Staffordshire should be taken by the Reformers as a warning of the necessity of timely preparation for the next election. There was no good reason......
Money Market.
STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIOAT AFTERNOON. Our report this week must be extremely barren. The panic has continued since our last publication, with very slight appearances of amendment ;......
East India Shipping.
Arrived—At Gravesend, May 26t11, James Pattison, Middleton, from Bengal; and Protector. Bragg. from V ail Di e me n ' s Land; 27th, Coromandel, Reyes. from Iteagal ; and Thomas......