30 MAY 1835, Page 7

It seems that the Tories of Gloucester have far exceeded

the sums subscribed for the support of their Conservative candidate. The Bath Guardian says that they are indebted in no less a sum than ;13251. for their exertions during the late contested election. They have published a sort of begging circular, soliciting subscriptions from their Conser- vative friends to enable them to pay off this amount.

After great exertions, the Brighton Tories have raised about 20/., in grilling subscriptions, to buy Sir Robert Peel a piece of plate.

A regular union has been formed in Newport, Isle of Wight, amongst the "Tory ladies," not to deal with Reforiners.—Brighton Guardian.

There was a Conservative gathering at Cranbrook on the 2-2d instant. The greater part of those present came from distant parts of Kent, as it is well known that Toryism is held in exceedingly bad odour in that district. Mr. Henry Hoare took the chair. Sir E. Knatchbull and the Lord Mayor of London, Mr. Turner. Member for South Lei- cestershire, and Mr. Pusey, Member for Berks, were present. The Honourable Captain King spoke of martyrdom and Cranmers and La. timers, and of the time having come " to stand in the breach and peril their lives," 8re. But the cream of the entertainment was that a cer- tain Rev. — (who, the Morning Post says, "being a resident in Ire- land, requested that his name should be omitted, being fearful qf the consequences,") addressed the company at some length. Of the Chris- tian sentiments of this nameless reverend we have the following sample. "In his opinion, Government had not acted with decision and firmness. Mr. O'Connell ought to be immediately checked, and the Government should grant him that elevation of which he had not been ambitious."

The occupations of the twenty-four assistant burgesses of the bo- rough of Malmesbury, who, previous to its extinction by Schedule A, had the privilege of returning two Members to Parliament, are one tanner, one currier, one shoemaker, one innkeeper, one mason, one blacksmiih, one sawyer, three journeymen tanners, and fourteen la- bourers!