Mr. James Kennedy has accepted the Chiltern Hundreds, and thus
created a vacancy in the representation of Tiverton ; which, it is ex- pected that Lord Palmerston will supply; a deputation having called on his Lordship to come forward, and Colonel Chichester, the Tory candidate at the last election, having declined to stand. Mr. Kennedy asserts in a farewell letter to his late constituents, that he has not re- ceived place or reward, or promise of either, to induce him to resign his seat. He says that his constituents knew that he came forward reluctantly at the last election ; and that the state of his health, and other private circumstances, render it desirable for him to retire from the House of Commons. The Reformers of Worcester have established a Registration Society.
The Bath Election Committee has already decided upon communi- cating and acting in unison with the London Association for pro- moting the important object of general registration.—Bath Guardian.
There was a numerous meeting of the Council of the Birmingham Political Union on Wednesday evening. Another meeting was ap- pointed to be held next Wednesday; when it is to be filially settled whether or not the Union shall be reorganized.
The High Bailiff of Birmingham has called a general meeting to address the King in favour of the Liberal Ministers, for Monday next.