30 MAY 1857, Page 11


-The Cologne Choral Union (Der Reiner Manner-Gesang-Verein) have visited this country a third time, their previous visits having been in 1853 and 1854. During the week they have been daily giving afternoon concerts at the Hanover Square Rooms which are to be continued next wpek; besides a performance on Thursday evening at Exeter Hall. They are drawing, as formerly, crowded audiences : and deservedly, for their chorus-singing is quite unique ; and our own choral societies, notwithstanding the advances they have been recently making, still fall far short of it. Their pieces are generally slight and popular, and not to be compared to our own English madrigals and glees ; but they sing with such precision, such delicacy, such perfect intonation, and such oneness of effect, that they are unspeakably charming. These choristers are amateurs, respectable citizens of Cologne, who practise together for love of art, and make occasional pleasure-trips to Belgium, France, and England, giving concerts and applying the proceeds to benevolent purposes. They state, that since the Union was established, fifteen years ago, they have devoted about 40,000 dollars to foreign charitable funds.

An association called " Emporio Italiano," composed chiefly of Italians resident in London, and having the professed object of promoting good feeling and union between Italy and England by a joint cultivation of the arts, commenced their proceedings on Wednesday evening, with a concert at the Hanover Square Rooms, the first of a series announced. The room was quite full, the bulk of the company Consisting apparently of foreigners ; but the entertainment was not of a kind to raise much expectation from the future doings of the " Emporia" There was some clever music, composed by Signor Bottesini the famous double-bassplayer; but in the course of a long concert there was not a single piece of a great master ; nor (excepting Madame Fiorentini, a lady who appeared not very successfully at Her Majesty's Theatre a good many years ago) was there a single performer whose name the public had ever before heard of. It is not thus that the "Emporio Italiano " will make good their highsounding professions.

The principal benefit concerts have been Mr. Cusins's at Willis's Rooms on Monday morning, Kid Miss Stabbach's at Hanover Square Rooms on Tuesday evening. Each of these meritorious artists had a numerous gathering of their friends, and gave them an agreeable entertainment.