Parisian Tunanticans.
A short piece entitled La Clef des Chanting has been produced at the Opera Comique. The inhabitants of a French village, anxious to celebrate a local festival, are tit a loss......
-The Cologne Choral Union (Der Reiner Manner-Gesang-Verein) have visited this country a third time, their previous visits having been in 1853 and 1854. During the week they have......
Tritug To T4r (rita
CONSOLIDATION OF THE LAW. visiona, the following enumeration will probably suffice— by making each head the subject of a separate enactment, those that remain that it may well......
A Curious Letter: Precedents.
London, 26th May 1857. Sin—Statistics, it has been said, can be made to prove anything : a coach and six can be driven, it is well known, through an act of Parliament: what of......
English Policy Of The Suez Canal.
Belfast, 26111 May 1857. Sie—We have heard but little lately about the Suez Canal ; but the impression remains that the British Government is disposed to discourage it. I fear......