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1101:Fri Or loans. Monday, May 25. Transportation and Penal Servitude ; Sir George Grey's Bill read a first time—Divorce and Matrimonial Causes ; Lord Chancellor's Bill in Committee.
rsd ay, May 28. Preaching at Exeter Hall ; Lord Dungannon's Question— Sale of Poisons Bill read a second time—Testamentary Jurisdiction ; Lord ChancelIn's Bill reported—Transportation and Penal Ser itusle5 Sir George Grev's Bill read a second time—Divorce and Matrimonial Causes ; Lord Chancellor's Bill reported. Horse OF COMMONS. Monday, Ma v 2.5. Dowry of the Princess Royal ; report agreed to ; Annuity Bill read a first: time—Army Estimates ; Lord Palmerston's Statement in Committee of Supply.
Thursday, May 28. Relations with Brasil; Mr. Roebuck's Motion for a Select Committee—Board of Admiralty; Sir Charles Napier's Motion for a Select Committee—Tenant-Right; Mr. G. -H. Moore's Bill read a first time—Aggravated Asmules; Lord Raynham's Motion for a Select Committee—The Princess RoyaPs Annuity Bill read a second time—Joint-Stock Companies, &c.; Attorney-General's Bill read a second time.
Friday, May 29. Literary and Scientific Institutions ; Mr.Hutt's Bill read a first time—Central America ; Lord Pahnerston's Statement—Princess Royal's Annuity Bill committed—Lunatics in Scotland ; Mr. Ellice's Statement—Supplv; Army Estimates—Ministers'-Money (Ireland) Bill committed—Savings-Banks Bill ; order ibr second reading diseharged—Joint-Stock Companies ; Mr. Lowe's Bill read a first time—Protection of Young Females Extension ; Lord It. Grosvenor's Bill read a fir,t time.