Dewey OF THE PRINCESS nova".
When the report of the resolution adopted in Committee of the whole House on the 224, for granting an annuity of 8000/. to the Princess Royal, was brought up on Monday, Mr. Coereonam proposed " to leave out the word eight' in order to insert the word six.'" Mr. Cox seconded the amendment.
Lord PALMERSTON, expressing his regret that the objection had been raised, entreated the House to abide by the resolution. The question was put, "that the words proposed to be left out stand part of the question."; and it was carried in the affirmative by,328 to 14. The resolution was agreed to ; and at a later hour a bill founded on it was brought in and read a first time. The report of the Committee of Supply, granting 40,000/. as a marriageportion for the Princess, called forth similar opposition. This time it was Mr. MAGUIRE who put the House to the trouble of a division by opposing the resolution altogether. He complained greatly that Mr. Roebuck had not put the question in a practical shape on Friday : had he done so, many gentlemen would have voted with him. The HOREB declined to debate the matter, and confirmed the resolution by 361 to 18,