Hints to Girls. Compiled by E. F. D. (S.P.C.K. ls.)—
This little volume is addressed, in the main, to girls leaving elementary schools. It puts before them the courses open to them. These may be roughly divided into a continuation of education and immediate employment. Those who are able to give more time to learning, at technical schools and the like, reap from it a great advantage. Immediate employment attracts, and is sometimes necessary, but it means a lower level of work and wage. Pp. 11-36, then, are given to the subject described as " Means to an End,"—i.e., the training to be got after the elementary school has been left ; pp. 37-87 to " Employments." The remaining space is not less usefully occupied with hints as to the societies that help girls ; the way in which leisure hours should be spent ; what should be done in case of illness, slight or serious ; with warnings of the dangers which beset the path of young women in great cities. We hope that these most useful " Hints " will reach those for whom they are intended.