Mr. Adam On The Election Of 1880.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.") SIR, —Your correspondent "Scrutator " in his lettei. on " The Relations of Great Britain witli Russia " which appeared in the Spectator of......
Does The Royal Academy Justify Its Existence ?
[To THB EDITOR OF THE " SPECTITOR.1 SIR,—The able article which discusses this point in your issue of May 16th recalls to my mind the sentiments expressed more than forty years......
" The Smoke Of Her Burning."
[To THE EDITOR OF TEIE "SPECTATOR. "] SIR,—As an old subscriber to your paper, I feel that you will accord me a short space wherein to answer several of your reviewer's......
The Literary Aspects Of The Prayer-book. [to The Editor Of
TUB "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—The article on the above subject (Spectator, May 16th) rightly suggests that if the Prayer-book is regarded as a whole, its indebtedness on literary......
The Chevalier De Bunsen.
[TO TUE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR."] STR,—The death of Mr. Ernest de Bunsen, to whom the Times devoted an obituary notice last week, affords occasion for offering you a......