The mass meeting or " demonstration " in Hyde Park
organised by the Nonconformist clergy and other opponents of the policy of the Government in education went off very well on Saturday last. Large processions con- verged without accident, the enumerators employed by the Daily News reckon the total number present at a hundred and forty thousand, and, as was natural; the great crowd was composed of unusually orderly and respectable people. There was, therefore, no rioting, and no incident which could be called disastrous. The general effect of the speeches was rather monotonous ; but there was little or no dissent, and the resolution condemning the London Education Bill was heartily accepted. Altogether the organisers deserve credit for their skill in avoiding the risks of such assemblages, and have a fair right to say that at least three per cent. of the total population of London dislike the Bill enough to encounter fatigue, heat, and boredom for the sake of expressing their sentiments.