The Russian Trade Unions have sent their answer to the
International Federation known as the Amsterdam International. It will be remembered that in February Amsterdam asked Moscow whether the Soviet Unions, would apply for affiliation ; if so, a conference between the Internationals might be held. The Russians, seeing that an application for affiliation would imply a rejection of their " Red " rinciples, left Amsterdam unanswered in the hope that they would soon get support from Great Britain. Early in April M. Tomsky and his colleagues came here and seemed to succeed, as we feared they would by their quicker wits and lack of scruples, in cajoling the Englishmen who conferred with them into taking their side in negotiations with Amsterdam. Their new answer therefore makes considerable play with British support and again asks for an unconditional conference which will result, they hope, in a union of all "class-conscious workers " who shall be ready for the class war." .* .* * *