The Atheist's End
The Death of Christopher Marlowe. . By J. Leslie Hotson. (Nonesuch Press. Unlimited Edition. Is. 6d. net.) IN the reign of Elizabeth it was not likely that Marlowe's death would......
This Week's Books
The Elizabethan Home, edited by M. St. Clare Byrne, is the most recent of the Haslewood Reprints (Frederick Etchels and Hugh Macdonald, in Kensington Place). It is a selection......
Mr. Logan Pearsall Smith Has Gathered A Volume Of Studies
in the English language, Words and Idioms (Constable). In it he catalogues a great number of idioms in their kind, and traces their derivation ; and he follows the passage of......
In The Truth About Kitchener (bodley Head), Mr. V. W.
Germains has given us a heroic portrait of Lord Kitchener, and has defended him against the polemics, and sometimes the misstatements of his opponents. The most sensational......
The Anthroposophical Publishing Company Tell Us That The...
Rudolf Steiner's book which Messrs. Allen and Unwin published as The Threefold State is published by their Company under the title The Threefold Commonwealth, and that they can......