30 MAY 1931, Page 19


[To' the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—Would you be so kind as to allow me to appeal to any of your readers interested in New Zealand for the church in the dioCese affected by the recent earthquake ? The loss to the church is estimated at about £100,000. There are no endowments, and allnecessary money for everything, including the stipends of the clergy, comes from the voluntary offerings of the laity. The latter are seriously impoverished, in many cases ruined. There • has been a bad drought ; and this, with the freezing • works destroyed and the general financial depression in a farming community, renders the outlook most serious. Insurance policies do not cover earthquake damage, and the public relief funds do not help to repair the loss to the church. Any contributions may be sent to me or Canon Yenks, Southwell, Notts., for the Waiapu Church (Commissary for the Diocese).- Ford Rectory, Berwick-on-Tweed.