Great Crested Grebe
[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—You were kind enough to publish a letter last November on the subject of our inquiry into the distribution of the Great Crested Grebe in......
Points From Letters Rural Amenities.
The case for Rural Amenities has now been recognized as a responsibility for the Government : the report of the Royal Commission on National Parks has been published, and the......
Letters Of Beardsley.
I am editing a collection of nearly 200 letters written by Beardsley to his publisher, Leonard Smithers, between the years 1895 and 1898. As these are not a complete col-......
[to The Editor Of The Spectator.] Sir,—mr. Denyer's...
experience as a Magis- trate's Clerk entitles him to a respectful hearing, but others of equal weight hold very different opinions. I call as witness on my side the Prison......
Trapping Wild Animals For Fur.
At the annual meeting of the National Federation of Women's Institutes at the Albert Hall, where some 8,000 women delegates from all over the country were assembled, the......
[To the Editor of the SPEcriszron.] SIR,—I have been much interested in the views expressed in your columns on the subject of Lotteries, because I have given a good deal of......
Song For Telemachus
DARK Ithaca rises from the waters of the sunlit midday sea, and in the silence of the sun stands the palace of Ulysses. Over the crags and the rising roofs is the tower where......