Parliament The Whitsuntide recess relieved Parliament from its labours after
Friday, May 22nd, until the Members return to Westminster on the eve of Derby -Day. On Thursday, the 21st, the Upper House passed the Agri- cultural Land (Utilization) Bill as amended there, that is to say, truncated in a manner which the President of the Board of Agriculture subsequently said that he would not accept. But most people, of whose money Dr. Addison has spent a great deal through his official career, show no regret that the Lords have curtailed his freedom to spend more now. They also passed the new Workmen's Compensation Bill, without amendment, and the Archi- tects (Registration) Bill, which in our view is not particularly harmful but is unnecessary legislation. The Lower House considered the Franchise Bill further on the report stage and discussed the use of motor cars at elections. By a Liberal amendment constituencies exceeding 400 square miles in area will be exempted from the strict limitations imposed by the Government. These are bound to discourage the lukewarm voter from exercising his duty as a citizen on polling days.