Nobody is more competent to write on Burgundy than Mr,
Stephen Gwynn. With his taste for the best wines and tlx best dishes he could not have a more fertile field to wane in. He describes in his book Burgundy (Harrap, 7s. edl one of the Kitbag Travel Books, the kind of meal which on can eat at the " Trois Faisans " at Dijon, where one feeds the best cooked food in France and where one drinks wine of the country in " huge balloons of glasses." A Inv at the " Trois Faisans " is an unforgettable experience. Be Mr. Gwynn's book is not only about the pleasures of fir palate. • He supplies the traveller of taste -with the pert guide book to this part of France, and, needless to say, it i written in a charming style.