have been looking for a reply to Dr. A. V.
Hill's letter in your issue of April 25th, and hope it is not too late for me to point out that while it is true that every consistent anti-vivisectionist must oppose medical practices which involve cruelty to animals, the vast majority of the people who oppose vaccination and inoculation do so because of their own experience of the illnesses they cause and of their failure to protect against the diseases at which they are aimed. Only about one-third of the children born today in England and Wales are vac- cinated. It is doubtful if one in one hundred of their parents know that the manufacture of calf-lymph involves cruelty to calves and rabbits, but nearly every parent knows of an instance of serious injury from vaccination and a great many would be able to tell of deaths from vaccination either in their own families or in the families of friends. Amongst the older anti-vaccinists are large numbers who have suffered from smallpox although they had been vaccinated, some- times repeatedly.
Men who served in the last war and were inoculated several times are often found amongst the opponents of these injections. In many cases they suffered agonies from the result of the inoculations, and then went down with the illnesses against which they were told they had been protected.
It is not only wealthy old ladies or unsophisticated Members of Parliament who are fighting the attempts of medical dictators or a clique of interested bacteriologists to foist inoculations on the public, but men and women who know what they are talking about and have experienced the bad effects of these inoculations and their failure to
protect from disease.—Yours faithfully, L. LOAT, Secretary, National Anti-Vaccination League. 25 Denison House, 296 Vauxhall Bridge Road, S.W. 1.