Bid Time Return. By Margaret Ferguson (robert Hale. 12s....
THAT Persia exercises a nostalgic influence on al Europeans who have lived in it is well known. Mr. Harold Nicolson, for instance, has expressed sentiments about the land in......
Words For Music. By V. C. Clinton-baddeley. (cambridge....
THIS short book, rich in quotations from the Elizabethans, and from Dryden, Burns, Johnson, Mozart, Valery and, above all, W. B. Yeats, is a plea for an art of song in which......
Curiosities Of Town And Countryside. By Edmund Vale....
6d.) MR. VALE has collected, possibly with more industry than dis- crimination, a large number of curiosities—some trivial or over- familiar (ducking-stools, the Panyer Alley......
Finance And Investment
By CUSTOS IF there are still some cynics left who distrust the stability of the war-time yield basis in the gilt-edged market they are having a succession of nasty shocks. Hot......
I Saw The Siege Of Warsaw. By Alexander Polonius. (hodge.
=S. 6d.) MR. PoLoraus, a -Polish teacher in an English University, went home for his usual holiday early in August, 1939. He describes very clearly his personal experiences......
Another Part Of The Forest. By G. B. Stem. (cassell.
12s. 6d.) WHIMSICAL, wordy, sentimental in a large blowsy way, another big chunk of autobiography follows Miss Stern's Monogram. If one can talk about form at all in relation to......