30 MAY 1969, Page 28

Crossword no.1380

Across 1 Take parts for a comeback with suspenders, 0 upright commuters (5-7) 9 Trace the process of the law to athletic habit (5-4) 10 Of course, it's where to see a complimentary coloured flag (5) It The walls, on dit, are just the place for money- like ghosts (6) 12 The milliner's range large in the news (8) 13 'A distant dearness in the hill. A secret sweet- ness in the —' (Tennyson) (6) 15 Temporal hiatus might indicate a stingy period at Greenwich (8) 18 As Richard spent a discontented season (8) 19 Pennyworth of string twisted round (7) 21 Surprised in the shrubbery? (8) 23 Spit and polish, spit and polish; but hark! It's the nightingale (6) 26 Leap over the roof (5) 27 Ban dog in universal change-over, that's having plenty (9) 28 Gad, these cicisbeos are just dogged forgers! (6-6) Down

1 Makes final payment and so becomes colomat


2 Twenty quires include twenty bob in this domain (5) 3 The man in the iron mask should be good at cards! (5-4)

4 A naval allowance for Lily (4)

5 Get heard in confusion, or so one understood (8) 6 Right succumbed to time and so gave way to furious activity (5)

7 Wax evil, that's really being candid (7) 8 Get a going-over about the sight (8) 14 The vehicle for a fast Aboriginal? (8) 16 Fresh-minted isle? (3, 6) 17 That sleepless king! (8)

18 Royal Highness waves, in stages, on ti bank (7) 20 Occasions for arks (7) 22, 25 Murmur it, signore! (5,4) 24 'Society became my glittering - And ,1 : hopes my children' (5) .Solution next week Solution to Crossword no. 1379. Across: 1 Co- hesion 5 Isobar 9 Entrains 10 Alpaca 12 Scollop 13 Opiates 14 Strengthened 17 Miles per hour 22 Tan tric 23 Redress 24 Yammer 25 Ambrosia 26 Tenets 27 Announce. Down: 1 Cheese 2 H01- dog 3 Star-lit 4 Omnipresence 6 Selfish 7 Blasting 8 Readside 11 Longshoreman 15 Amethyst 16 Clansman 18 Serpent 19 Undergo 20 Lesson 21 Ashake.