30 MAY 1969, page 27

Nigerianibiaf Ran Students

Sir: While the engulfment of lives in the Nigeria-Biafra war is a big enough challenge to the imagination, it is more difficult to realise that some of the victims of the war......

Not Being Done

Sir: John .WeIls's delightful parody of the idiotic waffling of colonial civil servants (Letters, 9 May) was right on target, pseudonym (Stanley,' a brilliant stroke that) and......

Beatling Off

E.M.B. A number of successful dollar-earning pop singers are reported to be contemplating emi- grating to Switzerland to escape a provision in the current Finance Bill designed......

To Sea In A Sieve

AFTERTHOUGHT JOHN WELLS There was still no news today of silver-haired, pipe-smoking Hrald Wylison, the veteran ad- venturer who is attempting the almost impos- sible feat of......

Troubled Bubbles

Sir: Mr Anthony Burgess's review of the Walter de la Mare anthology, Secret Laughter (16 May), seems an odd mixture of suggestio falsi, inaccuracy, haste and superficiality,......