30 MAY 1987, Page 50


A first prize of £20 and two further prizes of £10 (or, for UK solvers, a copy of Chambers Dictionary, value £13.95 — ring the words 'Chambers Dictionary' above) for the first three correct solutions opened on 15 June. Entries to: Crossword 810, The Spectator, 56 Doughty Street, London WCIN 2LL.

1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 42

1 1,2



21 25 32 I I


136 37 38

I Fl E

26 127 28 118

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14 15 16



H 1


I 1 I

Each unnumbered across clue defines (in no special order) two words which, when one assimilates the other, form one of the otherwise unclued lights. Each unnumbered down clue defines a single word which, when divided, forms two of the otherwise unclued lights. Solutions to italicised clues require anagrammatis- ing before insertion in the grid. Asterisked clues contain no overall definitions as their solutions are or could be of a kind. One normal light is of two words.

Name Address ACROSS Ungulate mammal with wings Caution committee Impair availability See a point

8 Shakespeare's kinsman's taw (4) 10 Of mild nature? Simple! (10) 12 Measure a sort of square-tip (4) 14 *One's about to complete a disc 17 Partners' rtners' letter concealed in lin- ing (5)

18 One booby astern (5)

21 Hear Sherlock's not out so makes bee-line for target (7)

23 Cater for, see (7) 24 Live in a horse-cloth (5) 25 He cut Scott's sibyl short (5) 27 Record work unit bearing centre-piece (7) 32 River animal first found in East Luxembourg living close to the ground (7) 36 *Allowed a sailor to lead (5)

37 In short, nothing to woo (5)

38 Saint a New Testament character left in a tree (6) 39 *It's found in the South of France (4) 40 River Test operative (10) 41 Disorder, of course (4) DOWN Shambles Spheres of action Choices of action Grub 3 One raises flags (6)

4 Time a walker briefly recorded (5)

5 *Could be Pele's not in (7) 6 Interferometer the reverse of dead on (6) 9 Holy plights displayed in cameos, say (11) 11 *Thus work up into a state (6) 15 Cushion-like Peruvian structure left in sweetheart's place (8) 16 The fruit of meetings (11) 19 Craft, in Peru, a single silver article (8) 21 Her knee no bed of roses (9) 22 Rulers in tears, say (7) 26 Lop-sided measure in balance (7) 33 In, for instance, raising one's spirits (5) 34 One reared without money (5) The solution to Crossword 807 is on page 52. Dictionary prizes are sent out by the 'Post-a-Book' service.