30 MAY 1987, page 30

The Darker Side Of Peter Pan

Michael Levey COMPTON MACKENZIE: A LIFE by Andro Linklater Chatto & Windus, f14.95 t•IN C ompton Mackenzie's sister, Fay, be- came a famous Peter Pan on the stage, but in real......

The Art Of Making Faces

Patrick Skene Catling THE ARCIMBOLDO EFFECT edited by Pontus Hulten Thames & Hudson, f32 G iuseppe Arcimboldo (1527-1593) was the Hapsburg court painter who is said to have......

The Tower

I go on the big slide! How brave it is, and right. Each step she takes is half her height But she is not afraid. See Daddy, watch me when I go on my tummy. Watch me. I don't......