Ship Daphne. By the Rev. T. S. Millington. (J. Nisbet
& Co.) —A thoroughly wholesome story is Ship Daphne, and one that can be read with appreciation by any one who likes to hear some- thing of business life in the city and something of the perils of the sea. It is difficult to pick from the numerous characters, all in their way excellent, one deserving the style of hero ; but the two brothers Petersen are doubtless meant to figure as such. And all are interesting,—Goldie, the head of the firm ; his manager ; his senior clerk ; Chubb, the captain; John Petersen ; and lastly," Adolphus," who is really a delightful type of a lazy, good-natured young fellow, who dislikes "commerce," but does many good turns to his friends, and is a gentleman. Ship Daphne is written with a knowledge of human nature that appears on every page, and which will appeal to young and old alike. Boys will read it with delight, and will never miss the usual series of stirring adventures while they can have characters from every- day life so faithfully portrayed.