In Far Japan. By Mrs. Isla Sitwell. (t. Nelson And
Sons.)— English children will be interested in this pretty little sketch of the life of two little boys in Japan. Ernest and Humphrey seem to enjoy themselves fairly well, and......
Britain's Boll Of Glory. By D. H. Parry. (cassell And
Co.)— We have nothing but praise for these stories, which recall to us many famous fields and heroic acts which have earned the Victoria Cross. All the narratives are clearly......
For Honour's Sake. By Jennie Chappell. (s. W. Partridge And
Co.)—We cannot say that the people we read about in For Honour's Sake are very interesting. They have their troubles and trials, and the story of them is readable; but there is......
For The Sake Of A Friend. By Margaret Parker. (blackie
and Son.)—This story of life in a girls-school, a continuation, some readers will be interested to know, of "Ida Cameron," by the same author, is more successful than most of......
The Golden Bock. By Ernest Glanville. (chatto And...
more do the old " properties " do service for a story of adventure. An old hunter leaves a map to his nephew with which he is to find a mountain of gold somewhere beyond the......
Roy Royland ; Or, The Young Castellan. By George Manville
Fenn. (W. and R. Chambers.)—We recognise some of Mr. Fenn's best-known characteristics in this" Story of the Civil War." He has a way of making himself master of the details of......
The Tyrants Of Kool Sim. By James Maclaren Cobban. (h.
Henry and Co.)—No reader can possibly complain of want of variety and excitement in this tale. We are taken quite beyond the bounds of ordinary adventure. Captain Betterton and......
Toinette's Philip. By Mrs. C. V. Jameson. (osgood,...
Co.)—This tale, a story of New Orleans, is not the less charm- ing because the plot, in one or other of its variations, has done duty many times. Ola, daughter of a poor......
Stranger Margaret. By Mary Hampden. (r.t.s.)—we Cannot...
family of girls would behave so badly to a cousin as the young Lynns do, and yet we are to believe that these young ladies put every imaginable insult on their cousin Margaret.......
Ship Daphne. By The Rev. T. S. Millington. (j. Nisbet
& Co.) —A thoroughly wholesome story is Ship Daphne, and one that can be read with appreciation by any one who likes to hear some- thing of business life in the city and......