Toinette's Philip. By Mrs. C. V. Jameson. (Osgood, Mcllvaine, and
Co.)—This tale, a story of New Orleans, is not the less charm- ing because the plot, in one or other of its variations, has done duty many times. Ola, daughter of a poor modeller in wax, and Philip, a white boy, cared for by a quadroon old woman, are both in a way lost children, and both are found. The story of this finding, not arrived at without much trouble, is full of interest, and then there are subsidiary attractions. There is the old priest with his performing mice, a trouble as well as a joy, for his con• science rebukes him for spending so much time on them ; the irrepressible negro, Lilybel, so loose in his views of melon and tuum, yet so, loyal in his affections ; these and other personages are drawn with admirable skill. Toinette's Philip is a really delightful story.