Mr. Boner Law in his electioneering speech at Glasgow on
Monday defended the decision of Mr. Lloyd George to go to the country novf for a new mandate, on the ground that Reconstruction was too vast and intricate a task to be assumed by a moribund Parliament.
Mr. Bonar Lam saw, rightly or wrongly, no other political combination likely to deal with the problems satisfactorily ; therefore he was bound to ask for a renewal of the Coalition lease of office. It had done its utmost to enableeoldiers to vote. He asked members of the new Parliament to come in " with the intention and desireto support the present Government, if they honestly can." The Coalition policy included improved housing, general betterment for workers, the putting of discharged soldiers and sailors on the land, improved transport to create new markets and open up the country, and an open mind on fiscal policy, so that production may not be, limited in any way. He saw in the present destruction of the old grooves an extraordinary opportunity " of doing quickly, without disturb- ance, what in ordinary circumstances it would take generations to do." let every man and woman treat the vote as a trust, and give it to the candidate who would support " the Government which will most probably make the best use of its opportunity."