But Although Lord Robert Cecil Has Resigned, We Sincerely...
that his services will not be lost to the country during the discussion of Peace terms. Lord Robert Cecil has emerged as a recognized master of the affairs of the Foreign......
The Incredible Happened On Thursday Week, When The Chief...
of the German High.Sea Fleet appeared off the Forth and surrendered to Admiral Beatty, commanding the Grand Fleet. Germany's nine most powerful battleships, five......
The King, Accompanied By 'the Queen, The Prince Of Wales,
and Queen Alexandra, reviewed in Hyde Park last Saturday some twenty-five' thousand men of the London district, all wearing the. silver badge " for services rendered." It was......
He Definitely Bound Himself To Resist The Treatment Of The
Welsh Church, and the fact that the Coalition have promised better financial treatment for the Welsh Church than the Act provides by no means releases Lord Robert Cecil from his......
The Government Are Being Weakened By Resignations Under...
of this election, which should never have been forced. Mr. Clynes, the Food Controller, has announced that he will resign when the new Parliament is elected. He has, in .fine,......
While We Are On This Subject We Should Like To
suggest that the Government will be guilty of a great mistake if they do not make the fullest possible use of the long official experience of Sir Eyre Crowe. Sir Eyre Crowe has......
The Cost Of Our Naval Victory Is Recorded He Tragic
figures by the Admiralty this week. During the war the Navy has suffered 39,768 casualties to officers and men, of whom 33,381 are dead. It is inevitable, unhappily, that in......
The King And Queen Of The Belgians, With Prince Albert,
rode into . Brussels on Friday week, and were joyfully welcomed by the citizens, whose four yearn of bondage had thus come to an mid. After reviewing the Allied troops as they......
It Is, Unhappily, Becoming More And More Certain That Under
the present conditions millions of absent soldier-voters will be virtually disfranchised. Mr. Boner Law said at Glasgow on Monday that eighty-five per cent. of the fighting men......
Mr. Roosevelt Has Pointed Out This Week That " The
freedom of the seas," if interpreted in the German sense, would have meant " the inevitable and rapid triumph of Germany " in this war. America, when she entered the war,......
Mr. Boner Law In His Electioneering Speech At Glasgow On
Monday defended the decision of Mr. Lloyd George to go to the country novf for a new mandate, on the ground that Reconstruction was too vast and intricate a task to be assumed......