Mr. Lloyd George and Mr. Boner Law issued on Friday
week a manifesto, appealing to the electors to support the Coalition Govern- ment in making a just and lasting peace and in dealing with " the difficult transitional period" after the war. Their policy, they said, was " devised in the interest of no particular class or section," but for the general good. They gave first place to the land question, transport, and housing. Their fiscal policy would include a prefer- ence to our Colonies, but not taxes on food or raw materials. Th3 Government would support " key industries " and discourage " dumping." In regard to industry, they would aim at increasing output and finding new markets. They would " explore all practical paths" towards an Irish settlement, excluding Separation or the coercion of the Six-County Area of Ulster. Mr. Lloyd George developed this programme at Wolverhampton last Saturday in a speech on which we comment elsewhere.