(To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR.") Sit,—Your suggestion that
the Six-County Area of Ulster should be incorporated in the Kingdom of England as a single English county, if adopted, would remove some administrative difficulties which have presented themselves to your readers. But why should the Six-County Area not be incorporated as a single Scottish county? There is a closer affinity between the people of Ulster and the people of Scotland than between them and the people of England. Through the comings and goings between the Clyde shipyards and those at Belfast there are many inhabitants in Belfast familiar with the Scottish legal system who know next to nothing of the English system, and Edinburgh with a Supreme Court is nearer than London. In these days of self-determination should the Six-County Area not be allowed to decide whether to be incorporated in the United Kingdom either as a Scottish county or as an English county?—I am, Sir, Sic., W. G.