SPECT LTOR."3 Sia,—My attention has been _drawn to a letter in your last issue by an old Wykehamist, in which-he expresses the-hope that "old Wykehamists who are against .the proposal to -spend _X100,000 in transforming Winchester" will vote :against the scheme of -our war memorial at the meeting at Lincoln's Inn next Monday. H by 'Winchester the writer means the city of Winchester it is right that your readers should knOw that Kingegate Street, the street affected by the scheme, is only a second-rate street with no special claim to any architectural distinction, and that to speak of the pulling down of a -few of the houses in that street as "trans- -forming Winchester " is simply ridiculous. If, however, by Winchester 'he means Winchester College his argument is still more unintelligible. The object of the Committee has been to .provide a visible memorial which shall make the strongest possible appeal -to the imagination of future generations of Wykehamists, and with this end in view they have linked it np closely with the -memorial which has .appealed to recent generations, the South African Gateway. It will take the form of a -very' beautiful cloister, to which the present South African memorial will form the entrance, so that future Wykehanrists on their way to and from school will daily pass through it and- be reminded of the undying example of .devoted service rendered , by their brothers whose names are inscribed on the gateway and the cloister. Our Memorial Committee has, in my opinion, done its duty welL.and this is not to be -wondered at, as it consists of such eminent Wykehamists as Lord Selborne, the Head-Master-of the College, Sir John :Hewett, Lord Grey of .Fallodon, the Right Hon. B. A. Fisher, Mr. G. W. Rieketts, and many others who are known and reapected among Wykehamists.—I am, • Sir, dio., ANCYMISR OLD 'WTHERAMIST.