The Bavarian Government have published documents relating to the origin
of the war which were found in the archives of the Foreign Ministry. These doct.reents fix upon the Central Powers the entire responsibility for planning and procuring the war. In a Report dated July 18th, 1914, Count von Lerohenfeld, Bavarian Minister in Berlin, said that the delivery of the ultimatum to -Serbia had been postponed till July 25th " in order to await the departure of M. Poincare and M. Viviani from St. Petersburg." The object was " to make it difficult for the Entente to arrive at an understanding and to counteract." The Report goes on : " A show of peaceful disposition is to be made, and the Minister of War and the Chief of the General Staff are to have furlough for some time." Count von Lerohenfeld remarks that " it is obvious that Serbia cannot accept such conditions " as those in the ultimatum, for they were " inconsistent with her dignity as an independent State. . . . The consequence must therefore be war."