Let loose your daughters!
From Mr Callum Fisken Sir: I was moved beyond tears by John Gibb's tale (`Hookers at sports day', 23 November) of distressed gentlefolk forced to embrace the oldest profession in order to afford life's necessities, such as £20,000 per year school fees.
Thinking about the number of 'transactions' required made me go quite weak at the knees. However, I cannot help hut feel that the profiled couple have missed a trick. If only they had decided to put their daughter 'on the game' instead, not only would they have saved on those beastly fees altogether, but also, given the enthusiasm and suppleness of youth, she may well have generated rather more income. As an added bonus, once she was set up in her small flat they need not have seen any more of her than tht:,.y would had she remained at boarding school,
Anyway, I must pop off now and have a word with the wife about that new car I simply cannot do without.
Callum Fisken