The Making Of A Soldier
From Corporal James Bussey Sir: It seems fashionable for servicemen such as Gordon Bourne ('Why I quit the army', 23 November) to complain to the press about inadequacies in the......
From Mr Andrew Wauchope Sir: Gordon Bourne's Article...
that Labour governments have always allowed penny-pinching to affect operational efficiency. During the Attlee Labour government, my uncle did his national service in Benghazi......
Peacekeepers Of Kosovo
From Mr Simon Haselock Sir: Andrew Sutton (The black hole of Europe', 9 November) accomplishes the seemingly impossible: firing a wild fusillade of criticism at the political......
Weeping For The War Dead
From Major-General Julian Thompson Sir: I am sorry that Rod Liddle ('Diana wins — from beyond the grave', 16 November) has to use the Queen's tears at a remembrance service as a......
Let Loose Your Daughters!
From Mr Callum Fisken Sir: I was moved beyond tears by John Gibb's tale (`Hookers at sports day', 23 November) of distressed gentlefolk forced to embrace the oldest profession......
Posh Theory
From Mr W.J. Kelly Sir: I was interested to read about the origins of the word 'posh' (Mind your language, 16 November), My understanding has always been that it did relate to......
Wine Club Correction
In the wine column of 16 November, Corney & Barrow Ltd's telephone number should have read 020 7539 3200.......