Q. During the summer I attended a performance of Gifford's
Circus, where everyone in my party was totally enchanted by the dancing pony, the tightrope walkers and the acrobats. I, however, found my own eyes were totally transfixed by the legs of
the dancing girls. These girls were dressed in traditional circus-girl costumes, rather like swimming suits, but each one of them had legs of totally flawless tone and, knowing that even Claudia Schiffer complains of having cellulite, I wondered how this effect was achieved. Can you help, Mary?
D. W, Marlborough, Wiltshire A. Yes, I attended some of these performances myself. The 'flawless tone' effect of their legs is achieved by wearing a shimmering pair of support tights, from somewhere like the Pineapple Dance Studios, underneath a pair of extremely tight fishnets. There is no reason why you should not copy this technique for use on the non-professional circuit.