SUEZ CHRONOLOGY July 26 Canal Company nationalised.
August Anglo-French Expedition mounted, but US compels negotiation. Secret French arms to Israel.
October 5 UN Security Council meets.
12 Agreement on 'Six Principles.'
13 Anglo-French rider blocks UN.
15 Eden learns from Paris about Israeli attack-plan?
16 Cabinet meets with CIGS. Sudden Eden-Lloyd trip to Paris; five-hour talks with Mollet and Pineau in utmost secrecy.
16-29 Anglo-French military preparations.
25 Clear anti-Soviet revolt in Hungary. Israel begins mobilisation.
26 Eden Cabinet learns of mobilisation.
28 Final Isateli mobilisation phase. Eden refuses joint warning with US. Israel asks for French air-cover?
29 2100 hrs. Israeli attack begins. Eisen- hower alerts UN Security Council.
30 1245 hrs. Eden-Mollet meeting at No. 10. 1430 hrs. Anglo-French veto at UN. 1615 hrs. Ultimatum to Egypt and Israel. 1630 hrs. Eden informs Commons. Late p.m. Malta invasion craft sail.
31 0415 hrs. Ultimatum expires. 0730 hrs. RAF begins bombing Egypt.