30 OCTOBER 1959, page 4

James Dillon

T HE election of the flamboyant James Dillon as head of the main opposition party in Ireland is a sign of the times. By background and inclina- tion Mr. Dillon is a nationalist......

-the Bbc And Yugoslavia

T HE letter in our correspondence columns from 'Z. Marn prompts similar questions to those the Spectator asked two years ago about the BBC's Russian programmes. How far is it......

Next Week Kingsley Amis On Lolita Ian Gilmour On Franco's


Habeas Corpus

T HE Attorney-General's attitude in the case of Andrew Mwenya has also been disturbing. It has now reached what would normally be con- sidered a happy ending; the Governor of......

Leaflet War

T IIE two Ronald Searle cartoons on p. 582, which were dropped on Egypt during the Suez campaign, are from the collection of R. G. Auck- land.' Is it the only one of its kind?......

November The Fifth

O NE of the many illogicalities about English law is that the chief Crown prosecutor, the Attorney-General, should have the right to decide whether cases may be taken to the......

Serving Notice On Nehru

D EVILISH cunning, these Chinese!' But not .just now; not on the Indian frontier. There a neurotic touchiness over strategic security, and a feeling that the world's well lost......