James Dillon
T HE election of the flamboyant James Dillon as head of the main opposition party in Ireland is a sign of the times. By background and inclina- tion Mr. Dillon is a nationalist......
-the Bbc And Yugoslavia
T HE letter in our correspondence columns from 'Z. Marn prompts similar questions to those the Spectator asked two years ago about the BBC's Russian programmes. How far is it......
Habeas Corpus
T HE Attorney-General's attitude in the case of Andrew Mwenya has also been disturbing. It has now reached what would normally be con- sidered a happy ending; the Governor of......
Leaflet War
T IIE two Ronald Searle cartoons on p. 582, which were dropped on Egypt during the Suez campaign, are from the collection of R. G. Auck- land.' Is it the only one of its kind?......
November The Fifth
O NE of the many illogicalities about English law is that the chief Crown prosecutor, the Attorney-General, should have the right to decide whether cases may be taken to the......
Serving Notice On Nehru
D EVILISH cunning, these Chinese!' But not .just now; not on the Indian frontier. There a neurotic touchiness over strategic security, and a feeling that the world's well lost......