Canada is enlivened by a second Ministerial crisis ; which
Ms thus with its fellow crisis at a rather earlier date, Made a devilled sandwich of the general election. As Prime Minister M‘Nab suc- ceeds Prime Minister Hincks, without material change either of measures or men, the distant reader has some difficulty in under- standing what it is all about. It has been explained on the two- fold ground, that certain parties were anxionii to secularize the, Clergy Reserves without even that show of deliberation which the Hineks Ministry thought necessary for decency, and that the late Premier had not been pliant in permitting railway enterprise to be used for local and even personal advantages. Possibly, also, there was some more strictly personal grudge in the "dead set" at an able man, confessedly successful in his measures. At all events, the causes are of a kind which it requires familiarity with local cir- cumstances to appreciate.