Canada Is Enlivened By A Second Ministerial Crisis ; Which
Ms thus with its fellow crisis at a rather earlier date, Made a devilled sandwich of the general election. As Prime Minister M‘Nab suc- ceeds Prime Minister Hincks, without......
While Russia Is Waiting The Attack Upon Her Great Southern
stronghold, the principal interest in the North turns upon the po- sition of the Baltic and German Governments. Something is still going forward, upon the whole probably without......
At Home, The National Life Shows Itself In Many Of
its accustomed forms ; and upon the whole the display of the week is creditable, notwithstanding a tarnish here and there. Sheffield, for example, shuffles. Its most active men......
England Ought To Feel Highly Flattered At The Recent...
of France; since that country, which has so long set the fashion for us in many thing?, is now accepting our models. Absolute in dress, supreme in wines, despotic in......
News Of The Week.
MORE circumstantial accounts from the Crimea correct the first anticipations of the telegraph, but are far from being less satisfac- tory. The Allied forces did not land at......