England ought to feel highly flattered at the recent attentions
of France; since that country, which has so long set the fashion for us in many thing?, is now accepting our models. Absolute in dress, supreme in wines, despotic in vaudevilles, France had re- solutely declined British imports. A different spirit now animates her: she receives coal and iron with much liberality ; she has re- cently made herself open to alcoholic spirits; and she is following our pattern, with some amendment, in a great national Exposition. Might we trace this new affection for imports from England to the fact that in one sense her present Emperor must be regarded as an import from the British side ? However that may be, there is a species of distributive and local improvement which our neighbours are about to import wholesale, at least so far as the pattern goes. When English visitors pass over to see the Exposition of 1856, they will find Paris in possession of a new Police like that of Lon- don—improved, probably, in hat and uniform.