Sketches of the Lircs and Judicial Services of the Chief Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States. By George Van t3antford. Ltfe'8 Lesson ; a Tale.
Vie _English Prisoners in _Russia. A Personal Narrative of the First Lieutenant of H.M.S. Tiger ; together with an Account of his Journey in Russia, and his Interview with the Emperor Nicholas and the Principal Persons in the Empire. By Alfred Royer, Lieut. R.N. Altars, Hearths, and Graves. By John Moultrie. Alpine Lyrics.
The Life of Julius Guar. By the Venerable John Williams, A.M.,
Archdeacon of Cardigan ; Author of "Alexander the Great,' &c. - [This book may be recommended as a clear and sufficient narrative of the facts of Julius Comar's life, as well as of those events with which he was di- rectly connected ; a judicious picture of the previous state of Rome, so far as is necessary to comprehend its condition in relation to Cresar ; and a fair though favourable view of the character and conduct of "the world's great victor." The style is not vigorous or weighty, but it has a homely plain- ness that satisfies; the frequent quotations from contemporary or ancient writers whether narrative or descriptive, if critically objectionable as sub- stituting a material for a product, have the effect of introducing the reader to original authorities ; and though the book cannot be said to rise to poli- tical philosophy, the views of the author are sensible. A good life of Julius Caner may still remain the desideratum which Gibbon considered it, but this book of Mr. Williams will fill up the vacuum for the general reader.] The Apocalypse Fulfilled; or an Answer to "Apocalyptic Sketches" by Dr. Cumming. By the Reverend P. S. Desprez, BLD., Evening Lecturer of the Collegiate Church, and late Senior Curate of St. George's, Wolverhampton. [The idea of Mr. Desprez is that the prophecies of St. John refer to the destruction of Jerusalem under Titus, and to nothing else. As some hold that the book of Revelations was written after that event, and the weight of direct evidence is in favour of the opinion, a portion of the book is devoted to trace the origin of the Apocalypse to the time of Nero. The remainder consists of an endeavour to establish the author's views by comparing the prophecy with the facts.]
Christianity Viewed in some of its Leading Aspects. By the Reverend A. R. L. Foote, Author of "Incidents in the Life of Our Saviour." [A rhapsody rather than an exposition, in which it is not always easy to grasp a definite idea. The " aspects " of Christianity treated of are six—a life, a work, a reward, a culture, a discipline, a fellowship.]
The Difficulties of the French Language Explained, &c. For the use of Schools as well as for Private Instruction. By George Boyle, Teacher of Modern Languages. [This work is founded on experience ; the "difficulties explained" being such as Mr. Boyle discovered in the course of his teaching to be ever recur- ring with pupils. The plan of proceeding is by means of exercises to be translated from English into French, or vice versa, with the assistance of notes. The rules or explanations precede the exercises in the form of dia- logues, which give a kind of life to the dry rule, though at the expense of brevity ; and after all the rule must be learned. A certain knowledge of French grammar is supposed to be possessed by the pupil.] German Handwriting, and How it is to be Learned. By Henry Boyle, Author of "The Difficulties of the Frenchtanguage Explained." [A series of slip copies with some letterpress directions.] The Golden Age, and other Poems. By Alexander Gouge. [After a notice of the original Golden Age, and the deoline therefrom to the ages of Iron, Brass, and so forth, the poet predicts a new golden sem in the form of the millennium. The volume contains other poems on ambitious. subjects,—a Sketch from Waterloo, "Epaminondas," "The March of the English Crusaders." There is much facility in the verse, and little else.] Afilton's Paradise Lost and Paradise Regained. With Explanatory
Notes, by the Reverend J. Edmondston.
[A neat text of the Paradise Lost and Paradise Regained, with notes, se- lected, original, and compiled. They are both explanatory and critical. Some, perhaps, might be spared, and some added with advantage ; but the edition will be useful to those who wish to carefully read Milton.]
A Voice from the East : of Scriptural Meditations to beguile Solitary Hours. By Mrs. St. John.
[Verses on a series of texts or quotations from Scripture, in which the main idea is pretty closely adhered to; but the full meaning of the text is not al- ways to be apprehended from the verse alone. The poetry is of the style' called lapidary, apparently from being engraved on tombstones.] My Comrade and my Colours' or Men who know not when they're Beaten. By the Reverend Erskine Neale, M.A., Rector of Kirton, Author of "Risen from the Ranks," &c. [This title gives small- indication of the contents. The publication consists of anecdotes of modern British soldiers illustrative of particular qualitieç such as the coolness of Wellington.] The Countess of St. Alban; or Lost and Found. From the German of Hacklaender, ("Stories without a Name.") By Franz Denunler. (Parlour Library.)
Bussland und dos Germanent hum. Von Beformatory Behooli in Prance and Eng--
B. Bauer. Zweite, abtheilung. Dei land. By Patrick Joseph Murray, Deutsche und die Orientahsche Frage. Esq., Barrister-at-law. Reprinted. Russland and England. Von B. Bauer. with additions, from the Isiah Quay-
La Bustle et PAngleterre, Par Bruno 41111 'Review'
Bauer. Traduit de PAllemand. A few Remarks in favour of Establishing
Die Analdrungen fiber Bruno Bauer. Public Nurseries, for the Protection of
the Infant Children of the Industrious
The Preston Strike; an Inquiry into its Poor while their parents are engaged
Causes and its Consequences. The in their daily labour. By an M.A. substance of which was read before the Statistical Section of the British 77w Rates Question. Second edition,
Association. By Henry Ashworth, enlarged. A' Letter to the Chairman Esq., F.S.S.Vice-President pf the of the Crystal palace. By William Idancheter-Ohamber of-Donunerce., Peters.