BULLION. Per oz. METALS. Per ton.
Foreign Gold in Bars, Standard ....t3.17 9 Copper, British CakesE126 0 0 .., 0 0
Foreign Gold in Ooin,PortagalPleces 0 0 0 Iron, Welsh Bars 0 0 0.. 0 0 New Dollars 0 0 0 Lead, British Pig 22 0 0 „ 22 13
Silver in Bars,Standard 0 5' 11 steel, Swedish Keg... 20 0 0 .. 21 0
Ear the Week ending Sept 25. Wheat 53.. 24. I Rye 341. 11d. Barley 29- 2 Beans 42 9 (Tata 24 7 Peas 87 0 PROVISIONS.
Butter-Best Presh.its. Od. per dos. Garlow, IL 15t to R. Is. per cwt. Bacon, Irish per cwt. 70s. to 744. Cheese, Cheshire 56 - 70 Derby Plain 40 - 66
Hams, York 74 - 84 Eggs, Preachy per 130.0.. Od. to Os. Of,
MITCHELL& MEAT. Newsom...Lao Lasnaanste.,•- firerrinastat' Hun or Chem is.
s, d, s. d. s, d. s. d. s. d. s. 4. 8Niruruli.O. Beef .. 3 0 to 4 It to 4. a .... 3 22'to 4 ale 5' 0 Friday. Monday; Mutton. 3 il - 4 0 - 4 4 .... 4 0 - 4 8 - 6 0 1 Besets. 1,073 4,664 VeaL .. 2 8 - 3 2 - 44 0 .... 3 6 - 4 0 - 4 5 EibeeP • 8.600 51,199 Pork.. a 8 - a 0 - 4: 9 .... 4 0 - 4.' 11.- 4 8 j OsIVes . 334 US Lamb... 4 0.-42 4.- 4 la .... 4 4 - b. 0 - 6 a, Pigs... 310 120,
To sink-the offal, per S lb: HOPE. 'WOOL. Kentrockets... 3788.10 4205. Down and haltirred Hogs per lb. 10111 to 024.
Choice dttto 0 0' Wether-and Eire 10 - 111 laresex ditto ma - 400 Leicester Roust and weiber. • • • M.- 0'
Famahaaislitto 0 0 311.01 Combing 10 - 0
HAL AND STRAW. (Per Load-of 349 Trusses.)
ittousnarsno. ilarrnrists.
Hey. Good 904. to 100s. 90s. to Wit Interior SO 84 60 -65
New 0 0 0, - 0 . Clover 118 -126 1181 -up Wheat Straw 39 - 42 34 - 42 GROCERIES.
Tea, Souehong, iine,per lb, It. 21. to Is. 84,
Coons, One 1 - 1 10
Pekoe, flowery 1 4 - 3 8 In Bond-Doty Is. el. per lb. Ortasq One !in boad9 ewe. 622 64. to 86a. 64.
Good Ordinary Vic 64 - 48a 6d. . Sugar, TA umovado, per cwt... 20a. 5;.
West India Molassees 17, 04. to lat
BRITISH FUNDS. (Closing Prices.)
Satssrd. Mosaic,.
5 per Cent Consols
93. 93 93 951
Ditto for Account
3 per Cents Reduced New] per Cents
Lone Annuities
Bank Stock, 9 per Cent 959 shut shut shut shut 931 931 931 India Stock, 101 per Cent
2:6 —
Exchequer Bills, 21d. per diem
6 pm. 9. 9 India Bonds 4 per Cent
7 pm. — Ditto Brazilian Buenos Ayres Chill= 6 Danish Ditto 3 Dutch (Pa. 12 Guilders) -21 - Ditto 4 - French 3 - Ditto 41 - • Massachusetts(Sterling) 5 - MIsatssippi 6 New York 6 Peruvian 41 Portuguese 6
Ditto. a Russian a
Ditto 41
Sardinian 4 Spanish a
Ditto New Deferred 3 Ditto (Passive) Venesuela 31 911 52 101f 56 102 FORICION` FUNDS.
(Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening.) Austrian 6 p. Ct. Mexican 3 p.05.
Belgian 41 - 21 - 5 - 8 - 244 901 ea& 71 431 88 881 88 199 41. 621 941 104 SHARES.
(Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening.) BANK/1-'-
90 Australasian 614 ex d. British North American Colonial 111 Commercial at London 87 London and Westminster 916 London Chartel.Bnk. of Australia 714 London JOint Stock 102 National of Ireland 704 National Provincial 831ex d. Provincial of Ireland 104 Union of Australia
94' Union of London
1011 Mimes- 83 ' Brazilian Imperial 691 Ditto (fit. John del Rey) — Cobre Copper 33 /Colonial Gold 782 Rhymney Iron
64 MUCELLANZW78- 331 Asetrallan Agricultural
— Canada 034 Crystal Palace General Steam — : Peel River Land and Mineral, — , Peninsular and Oriental Steam — Royal Mall Steam 12, South Australian
Bristol and Exeter Caledonian Edinburgh and :Glasgow Eastern Counties Great Northern Great South. and West. Ireland Great Western Hull and Selby Lancashire and Yorkshire La:master and Carlisle London, Brighton, & South Coast Landon and Blackwell London and North-western London and South-western Midland Midland Great Western (Ireland) North British North-Eastern-Berwiek North-Eastern-York Oxford, Wor.and Wolverhampton Scottish Central South-eastern and Dover
East and West India.
London St. Katherine Victoria
951 951 8
59 09 1431 281 — • 224 411
21 51131
GRAIN, Mark laae, Sept. 29, s. s.
Maple 0 to 0 White 44-46.
Boilers 0- 0 Beans, Ticks. 0- 0 Old 40-48 Indian Corn 83-35 I. S.
Oats, Feed .. 23 to 25 Fins .. 24-23' Poland 24 - 28 Fine 26-21 Putato .... 29-30 Fine .. Wheat,R.New 58 toile Rye 36 to 40 Fine 58-60 Barley 24-26
Old se-58 Malting .. 23-30
White 68-6/ Blatt, Ord ... 13-82
Fine 63-68 Fine 62-67
Super. New. 0-0 Peas, Hog 30-86 AVERAGE PRICES-OF CORN.
Per Gr. (Imperial) of England and Wales.
Wheat.- 59s. 14. I Rye 38s. 64. Barley.... 31 5 Beans 48 82 Oats IF 0 'Peas 88 8 FLOUR.
Town-made per sack 251s. to Mt Seconds 47 II Basexand Saffolit on-board ehip 46 - 50 Norfolk and Stockton 45 48 Ameriean per barrel 25 35 Canadian 28 33 Bread. apt to 9d. tbe.411) loaf. WaresonsTati
Sts. to 921. 0 - 0 50 -84 118 -126 2.0? -34 OILS. COALS, CANDLES. Rape 011 per cwt. LI 6 0 Relined, 9 I 5
LinseedOil. 114 0 Linseed 011-Cake per 1000 13 0 0 Candles, per dozen (h. Oil. to Os. ad,.
Moulds, per dozen... 0s. OA toes. Od.
Coals, "tenon 215. 04. Tees 515.64