30 SEPTEMBER 1854, Page 9

A telegraphic despatch has been received at the Admiralty, from

Rear- Admiral Sir William Carrol, at Cork, announcing the arrival of her Ma- jesty's ship Phcenix at that port, with Captain M'Clure of the Investiga- - tor on board. The following is the text of the message received at the Admiralty— . "Arrived her Majesty's ship Phcenix, bringing Captains of the Investi- gator Assistance, and Resolute ; and part crews of Assistance and Resolute. "The North Star and Talbot convey the remainder of the crews of the As- sistance, Resolute, Investigator, and tenders ; First and Third Lieutenants and Surgeon of Resolute, Master and Clerk in charge of Assistance, and Monsienr de Bray, arrived in Phlenix."

The Captains -said to have arrived are M'Clure, Kellett, and Sir Ed- ward Belcher. Captain lti'Clare, it will be remembered, is the discoverer of the North-west Passage.