Lieutenant Knight and Lieutenant Seymour, officers of the Royal Marines,
attacker:I:M*1e Dauntless and the Colossus, were yesterday brought before the Mayor of, Portsatouth, on a charge of having feloniously killed Matilda Jane Lodge. The evidence was nearly the same as that adduced before the Coroner, anti the proceedings were adjourned.
The Norwich. Free Public Library is making satisfactory progress. The Duke of Wellington' Mr. Pete M.P., and Mr. Gurney M.P., have each presented 501. to the funds of the new institution; and the Mayor of Nor-
wich, Sir S. Bignold, was chosen President yesterday. . . .
About 280 papers were read in the seven sections of the British Associa- tion at Liverpool. Of these, 58 were upon subjects connected with mathe- matical and physical science, 43 upon chemical science, 34 treated of geology, 41 of zoology and botany, including physiology, 35 of geography and ethno- logy,. 24 of statistics, and 44 of subjects in relation to mechanical science. Fourteen or fifteen of these communications were read by foreign professors and men 9f science—such as L'Abb5 Moignot, M. Foucault, 3L Dove, and M. Daboseq.
Rossini, the great composer, is described as utterly prostrated by illness and the lase of his faculties, without hope of recovery.