So much importance is attached to further intelligence from the Crimea respecting the movements of the Allied forces, that its absence has produced great inactivity 'in Government Securities and a suspension of speculative operations. The demiind for money this week has continued undiminished
both in the Stock Exchange and the discount-market, causing languor in the Funds occasionally, but without any permanent depression. Up to last evening, Consols for Money had only varied from 95 to 951, and for Account from 95: to 95f. The fluctuations in the French Funds have been as mo- derate as our own. The Continental exchanges generally wear a firm ap- pearance. At Amsterdam and Vienna, there has been little alteration ; but -distrust still prevails in the latter city. The rate of exchange in China having at length declined, the exportation of silver from this country is likely to be diminished. The accounts from New York are more favourable as respects both commercial affairs and the Stock Market : Erie Railroad Shares had rallied from 321 to 41, and many other speculative descriptions had advanced ; but mouey• was still in request at 12 per cent. The arrivals of specie this week from America have amounted to 430,0001.; and from the high rate of exchange, remittances are likely to continue a portion of this was for the Continent. The gold from Australia has been valued at 35500/. The instalment paid last Friday on the Turkish Loan, amounting to 300,0001., is already remitted in sovereigns to Constantinople. The Corn- market has been steady this week.
The average stock of bullion in both departments of the Bank of England darimg the month ending the 2d September was 13,566,7271. • an increase of 0381/7compared with the preceding month, and a decrease Of 3,419,361/. in comparison with the same time last year. Today the English Funds are about 1 lower, chiefly through sales of money Stock. Consols close at 944 5 for Money, and 951 for Account. Exchequer Bills are is. lower this week. India Stock has not altered.
. In Foreign Securities, the transactions in the leading descriptions have been few, and without affecting their value. Turkish Scrip has suffered from a preponderance of sales, and on Wednesday was done as low as 21 . it closed yesterday at 21 3, and is today 21 31 premium. Granada Deferred has declined 1.
Railways were rather higher on Monday, and a rise of from 5s. to 10s. occurred in some cases: they have since gradually declined, chiefly through arrangements connected with the settlement of the Account, which took place yesterday, when the high rates asked for continuation caused many speculators to close their transactions. London and North-Western were 'done in the morning as low as 1001, and Great Western at 71/. At the close, the difference in some of the leading lines compared with last Satur- day's was to the following extent. Decrease—East Lancashire, 21. ; Cale- donian, Edinburgh and Glasgow, Great Northern, London and South-West- ern, North-Eastern—York, and Oxford, Worcester, and Wolverhampton, U.; Great Western, Midland, and South-Eastern, 15s. ; Lancashire and York- shire, London and North-Western, North British, and North-Eastern—Ber- wick, 10s. In Foreign Shares, an improvement has incurred in the follow- ing—Great Luxembourg Constituted, Northern of France, and Paris and Lyons, 5s.; Eastern of France, and Great Central of France, 2s. 6d. Rouen and Havre, and Sambre and Meuse, have fallen 5s. Today the English lines are again lower. Foreign Shares have not altered. The dividend declared at the meeting of the Caledonian Railway Company was at the rate of 3 per cent per annum ; and the report was adopted.
The English Funds have not recovered from the lower quotations of yes- terday, Consols being still 944 5 for Money and 951 for Account. Exchequer Bills 5 to 8. The bullion return by the Bank of England shows a decrease of 50,484/. In Foreign Stocks the only alteration is in Turkish Scrip, which is rather lower, being 21 3 premium. Railways continue heavy, and there is little disposition to deal in them. The only bargain marked at present is Midland at 69f
The English Funds have improved 1 since the morning, and Consoh for Money leave off 951 a and for Account 951 4. Exchequer Bills 5 to 8. In Foreign Stocks the only alteration is in Turkish Scrip, which leaves off rather higher, at 3 1 premium.
Railways are a little stronger: these are the latest transactions—Bristol and Exeter, 951; Caledonian, 62; Eastern Counties, 111; Great Northern, 87; Ditto A Stock, 694; Ditto B Stock, 124; Great Southern and Western, (Ireland,) 914 ; Great Western, 711 ; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 71; London and North-Western, 1011 ; Ditto Eighths, 21 ; Midland, 694; Newmarket, Bury Extension, 54. ; North-Eastern (Berwick), 78; Scottish
Midland, 63; South-Eastern, • Wilts and Somerset, 944; Great Northern 5 per cent, 114; Antwerp and Rotterdam, 64; Great Indian Peninsula, 54; Great Luxembourg Constituted Shares, 21; Royal Danish, 154. Joint Stock Bank—Australasian, 831. Miscellaneous—Crystal Palace, 3; Penin-
An Account, pursuant to the Act 7th and 8th Victoria, cap. 32. for the week ending On Saturday, the 234 day of September 1854.
ISS V/ DSPAR7711.117.
Notes Issued £26,589,730 Government Debt £11,015,500
Other Securities 2,984,900 Gold Coln and Bullion 12,589,730 Silver Bullion L26,589,732
Proprietors' Capital
Public Deposits.
Other Deposits
Seven Day and otherlDlls
Goventment Securities. (in-
clude g Dead WeightAnnulty) £10.998655 Other Securities 15,487,091 Notes 7,293.486 Gold and Silver Coln 639,156 £14,553.000 3,710,358 5,363,572 0.750,357 1,021,395 L31,416,682 £31,415,652
• Including Exchequer, Savings-Banks, Commissioners of National Debt. & Dividend Acct.
sular and Oriental Steam, 61.
3 per Cent Consols 951 i
Ditto for Account 954 4 3 per Cent Reduced shut
Si per Cents shut
Long Annuities shut Bank Stock shut Exchequer Bills 5 8 India Stock 226 30 Austrian 5 per Cents 84 7
Brazilian 5 per Cents 101 3
Belgian 44 per Cents 92 4 Chilian 6 per Cents 104 6 Danish .5 per Cents 100 2 Danish 3 per Cents 77 80 Dutch 24 per Cents 61 3 Ditto 4 per Cents 93 5 Mexican 3 per Cents 214 5 Peruvian 14 per Cents 70 2 Ditto 3 per Cents 51 3 Portuguese 4 per Cents 40 2 Russian 3 per Cents 98 100 Ditto 44 per Cents 87 9 Spanish 3 per Cents 371 8 Ditto Deferred
181 i
Sardinian 5 per Cents 87 9 Swedish 4 per Cents 86 8